People Are Revealing Verrrry Subtle Things That Reveal A Lot About Someone, And It's Fascinating

I think a good indicator is how they react when given the wrong meal at a restaurant. For example, my mom will be extremely rude... my dad refuses to say anything and will eat WHATEVER he is given... I tend to react a lot more like my dad for fear of inconveniencing others.
How they 'prepare' their house when they know you're coming over or visiting. I've been to parties where every surface is covered... no one is so interesting that it trumps basic comfort for their guests.
If I think about it, I look at people's fingernails. Usually, it's when they catch my eye, such as nail polish. If the nails have a lot of dirt under them... I have an irrational disgust towards men who have long nails. Even guitar players.
Food is a love language, or at least for me. However, I have also learned some things about my circle of people based on their food habits... Are they open to new foods?
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