A knife attack during a demonstration in Mulhouse, eastern France, has left one man dead and two police officers severely injured. The assailant, who shouted 'Allahu Akbar' during the attack, has been apprehended and is on a terror watchlist. He is an Algerian national under judicial oversight and an expulsion order from France. The incident happened at around 4pm and was linked to a gathering supporting Congo. The local mayor expressed shock, as the investigation is led by the national anti-terror unit.
The suspected attacker, who has been arrested, is on a terror prevention watchlist, prosecutor Nicolas Heitz told AFP. The list compiles data from various authorities on people to prevent terrorist radicalisation.
A passerby was killed trying to intervene, it said. The Interior Minister, Bruno Retailleau, was expected to travel to the scene of the attack later on Saturday.
Horror has seized our city, Mulhouse mayor Michele Lutz said on Facebook. The incident was being investigated as a terror attack, she said, but this must obviously still be confirmed by the judiciary.
The French president, Emmanuel Macron, said: It is without any doubt an act of Islamist terrorism.