"One of the best cleaning tools I own in my home. I use it for everything I need to dust. Not just for baseboards anymore!! Plus, it can be washed and air dried!! Love my Baseboard Buddy!! The pole is long enough that you can even use to do your fan blades. 😉 The pads are super absorbent, and you can even add a touch of soap and a couple of drops of water or cleaner for those troubled areas as well. I highly recommend this product!!" - Lori Sitzler
"I bought a pack of these recently, and so far love dusting with them! All the dust sticks right on, so you don't end up breathing in all the dust you just tried removing. It's great for baseboards, too!" - Maitland Quitmeyer
"I had low expectations for this. But I'm really happy to find that they do work really well for a much better price than the name brand. It's pretty much the same as the name brand damp duster except that the grooves are slightly wider. Dusted tops and fronts of my cabinets in about five minutes, but I'm most impressed with how well it removes pet hair from my couch and clothes even better than sticky rollers. I have Pomeranians blowing out their winter undercoats, so it's my new fav thing." - onon