Brahim Aouissaoui, who carried out a deadly knife attack in Nice on October 29, 2020, admitted accountability but professed amnesia regarding the incident. The attacks, which resulted in three fatalities, are part of an ongoing series of extreme violence linked to Islamist radicals in France. Prosecutors highlight Aouissaoui's radicalized motivations and his belief in enacting 'legitimate' revenge against perceived injustices toward Muslims. His medical evaluations indicated that he retained full cognitive function at the time of the attacks, further complicating the understanding of his motivations and mental state at the time.
Aouissaoui admitted responsibility for the deadly knife attack in Nice but claimed he couldn't remember the details; he was driven by a 'jihadist ideology'.
The attack on October 29, 2020, resulted in three fatalities and has been linked to a series of Islamist radical incidents in France since 2015.
Public prosecutors contended that Aouissaoui’s actions stemmed from a belief that they were 'legitimate' acts of revenge against 'the West' for harming Muslims.
Despite his claim of no memory, medical and psychiatric assessments indicated that Aouissaoui displayed no brain damage or impairment of judgment during the attack.