"I've known a bunch of minor B-C list celebs. Musicians, Broadway, movies, all of it. One of my very best friends is a C-list working actor. 15-20 years ago, in my younger years, we'd go to parties around Hollywood and run into other C-listers. One of the things that sticks out to me, as a theatre kid myself, is that they are ALL the obnoxious, annoying theatre kids who sang Sondheim in the hallways and had a lot of feelings. They all had that energy. The parties would sometimes get really weird. And deep down, these are not the cool kids. I always remember that when people hold celebs up to these super high standards and take political and life advice from them. They're just people. They're the theatre kid from school, and everyone needs to calm down."
"The Cyrus family is a lot more normal than people think. I won't go into detail about how I know (out of respect for the family member, a sibling of Miley), but the media really seemed to completely fuck Miley over the years. They are about as down-to-earth and normal as you could get. They each have their quirks, but they aren't the unstable, chaotic family some think they are. They never have been. I was just honestly shocked at how normal they are outside of the spotlight. Like being in their house hanging out, and I'm looking around like...' Is that a ____ magnet on your refrigerator???' They are also very family-oriented. People can say what they want about Billy Ray/Miley/whoever else has been in the media recently, but I promise, they are just super genuine people and do the most normal things behind closed doors."