36 Outdoor Halloween Decorations To Make Your House The Spookiest On The Block

This mat was perfect this Halloween. It adds the perfect amount of subtle eeriness, and it held up really well under our covered doorway. I'm sure this will last for at least another three years. The ink is clear, and the words are legible (which was a concern I had prior to it arriving). But, despite the inexpensive price tag, it's actually a well-made mat that's true to the provided picture.
The grandkids loved and played with this doorbell all October long, and it held up beautifully. It still worked like a charm (same batteries) on Halloween night. Cute, spooky, and very bright.
The spider is about two feet across with its legs out. She jumps up and at you about a foot with a scream and background noises. I had just finished putting the batteries in and turned it on: I guess I made a noise or something, THE SPIDER JUMPED! I spilled my coffee, LOL. It appears to activate out to about three to four feet, and the cats don't like it at all!
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