In a new thriller by Freddy Macdonald, seamstress Barbara unintentionally engages in a drug deal aftermath while balancing her sewing supply shop in Switzerland. The narrative unfolds in three divergent paths: committing the crime, running away, or alerting the police. Although the film includes creative sewing-inspired traps using Mettler thread, it leans more towards exploring the tools of sewing than accurate representations of the crafting process. John Lynch stands out as a psychopathic kingpin, enhancing the film's tension and complexity throughout Barbara's dilemmatic journey.
In nearly all she uses reels of Mettler thread to rig up pulleys and other simple machines to create booby traps or retrieve useful objects.
The conceit is that Barbara, a shy American woman running a sewing supply shop in Switzerland after the death of her mother, comes across the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong.