Heather Thomas, known for her role in 'The Fall Guy,' shared her harrowing experiences with stalkers post-show on the 'Still Here Hollywood' podcast. After the cancellation of her series in 1986, she faced frequent harassment from stalkers, encountering two per week. She described receiving frightening gifts and threats, leading her to obtain restraining orders and hire a bodyguard. A violent incident occurred when an intruder attempted to break into her home, ultimately resulting in her firing rock salt at him. Thomas revealed these traumatic experiences to shed light on the darker side of fame.
I was just getting so many stalkers. It got to the point where Thomas was dealing with two stalkers a week, she told podcast host Steve Kmetko.
I had tons of restraining orders. I had two little girls, and a guy was jumping our gate with a giant buck knife.
someone sent me a box of bullets, and people would send me funeral wreaths they stole from a graveyard.
I had one guy one night cut my screen in my bedroom and got in, and I shot him.