This article discusses an innovative neck pillow that can be stuffed with clothing, allowing travelers to navigate strict carry-on size restrictions while enjoying comfort during flights. It highlights a user-friendly experience showcasing that it can fit up to three days' worth of clothing, which is beneficial for those on a carry-on-only budget. A positive review underscores its utility on long flights, serving as both a cushion and a storage solution for extra outfits, enhancing the travel experience by allowing easy access to fresh clothes on layovers.
A neck pillow you can stuff with clothing - even a whole outfit - to give you some comfy flexibility and help get around super strict carry-on size restrictions.
Check out a TikTok showing how someone used a similar neck pillow to just take that and a personal item onto a RyanAir flight that was charging for hand luggage.
I went carry-on-only and this tube was a true gem! I fit one full outfit in it and it's so valuable when traveling with only carry-on luggage.
I usually like to have a change of clothes with me on the plane, especially on transatlantic flights, so I can change it on the layover, just feels fresher.