Still game: the joys of walking football | Brief letters

Phil Ball's article on the first walking football World Nations Cup (31 August) showed how this phenomenon of over-50s remaining active can, under the auspices of English football clubs' community trusts, foster a unique health-promoting camaraderie in later years.
Anyone who thinks actors need to get naked to deliver sex scenes needs to watch Delmer Daves's 1957 film 3.10 to Yuma (Lanthimos's Poor Things fuels speculation of sex scene's return to cinema, 1 September). Glenn Ford and Felicia Farr deliver three of the most erotic scenes in cinema while fully clothed and out of the bedroom throughout.
Some buddleias may be teeming with peacocks (A vintage butterfly summer in Britain what's going on?, 31 August), but I have been recording butterflies for Butterfly Conservation since 2011, and this has been the worst year yet for me.
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