Chris Bumstead Shares Brutal Hamstring Workout Ahead of 2023 Mr. Olympia - Breaking Muscle

In search of his fifth straight Mr. Olympia victory, Chris Bumstead is just over six weeks away from defending his crown at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL during the weekend of Nov. 3-5, 2023.
Bumstead started the session on the lying leg curl machine...Next, Bumstead targeted each hamstring separately on a standing single-leg curl machine...Bumstead gave his hamstrings a temporary break by moving over to the hip abduction machine.
After consuming Evogen EVP Xtreme pre-workout and jokingly telling Rambod he hasn't trained abs in a year, Bumstead's grueling day at the office begins with a series of exercises targeted at building his hamstrings. He discussed his diet with Rambod, noting that it's been easier for him to eat 'bigger meals, less frequently' during contest prep.
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