Invest International, an impact investor, unveiled plans for a public-private investment fund aimed at reducing the European dependence on critical raw materials. The announcement, made by Director Lara Muller at the PDAC Convention, aligns with wider European goals for strategic independence in sectors like energy, technology, and security. Collaborating with banks and EU partners, the fund seeks to fortify supply chains against vulnerabilities. Critical technologies in the Netherlands, particularly in energy transitions, heavily rely on imported resources, underlining the need for this initiative.
"We cannot do this alone and will have to work together with friendly and like-minded countries. With this fund, we want to help secure access to critical raw materials for our industry, help cover vulnerabilities and risks in international supply chains, and ultimately contribute to the competitiveness of the Netherlands in the world."
"The Netherlands plays a pivotal role in the European raw materials supply chain, thanks to its advanced logistics infrastructure and the strategic access provided by the Port of Rotterdam. The port serves as a crucial hub for raw material imports and distribution across Europe. However, the Netherlands currently relies heavily on imported semi-finished products from China, which presents significant vulnerabilities."
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