"After two years as foreign trade minister, I'm also bringing with me perspective when it comes to highly-qualified labour migration," Forssell told a press conference after the announcement. "We should be very proud of our world-leading Swedish companies, and it's essential for both us and our country's competitiveness that we are attractive to talent, researchers, investors and people working in professions experiencing a shortage of labour."
"Migration is a very important area; it's important for Sweden and voters repeatedly rank it top of their political agenda," Forssell said. "Our role is to make sure that the next generation in this country has a better life than the previous generation, and in order to do that, we need to sort out migration and succeed with integration."
"It's important that we hold on to the changes that Maria, and others, have made in this area, and never again return to the previous migration policy," Forssell stressed, emphasizing the necessity for continuity amidst ongoing changes.