A powerful 4.4 magnitude earthquake struck the Campi Flegrei area in Italy, the strongest recorded in 40 years. Occurring at 1:25 am local time, it sent residents fleeing into the streets. The quake's epicenter was located 3 km deep near Via Napoli in Pozzuoli and was notably preceded by a loud roar. Following the main tremor, a sequence of smaller earthquakes was recorded, attributed to worsening bradyseism and accelerating ground uplift in the region, leading to heightened concerns among experts.
The earthquake in the Phlegraean Fields was recorded at a magnitude of 4.4, making it the strongest tremor in the area in 40 years, deeply alarming residents.
This natural event, which occurred at 1:25 am, was not only powerful but also tied to a broader phenomenon of bradyseism, causing ongoing ground uplift in the region.