Rare 'planet parade' to illuminate skies - here's how and when to spot the spectacular alignment from Ireland

Stargazers will have a rare opportunity to see all seven of the other planets in our solar system aligning simultaneously, though a telescope is required to observe all of them. This rare alignment occurs between sunset and 6:30 PM, with Mars, Jupiter, and Venus being easily visible to the naked eye, while Uranus and Saturn may require more careful viewing conditions. Observers will also need telescopes to see Neptune and have a fleeting chance to catch sight of Mercury. This event highlights the fixed orbits of planets around the sun, which occasionally align for such viewings.
Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, Mercury and Saturn will be visible simultaneously between sunset and 6.30pm, after which Saturn sets.
The Earth and all the planets all orbit the sun on the same plane, so they're all sort of in alignment as they go around the sun.
Read at Irish Independent