Putin arrives in Beijing for China state visit as Ukraine war intensifies live

Vladimir Putin describes meeting with Xi Jinping as a dialogue between old friends and praises China's initiatives to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. However, Ukraine and western patrons have not supported these initiatives, citing a lack of readiness for equal, honest, and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests.
China has become a lifeline for Russia following western sanctions, remaining a top importer of Russian oil and gas. Trade between China and Russia has increased, aiding Russia amidst sanctions imposed due to its aggression in Ukraine.
Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, criticized western elites for their efforts to isolate and weaken his country. He brought a large delegation to Beijing for bilateral talks focused on trade and economic cooperation, seeking ways to circumvent US restrictions that have impacted Chinese exports to Russia post-war.
Read at www.theguardian.com