Syria's interim government gained significant visibility at an EU donor conference, showcasing efforts to move away from its troubled past. While about €5.8 billion was pledged for humanitarian support, this figure fell short of the previous year's contributions, indicating a decline in international commitment. Simultaneously, escalating violence and instability in the country pose challenges to rebuilding efforts post-conflict. Global leaders, including Kathryn Achilles from the Norwegian Refugee Council, emphasized the need for sustained support despite the lower financial commitments seen at this year's conference, reflecting concerns about ongoing aid cuts from major contributors like the US.
Asaad Al-Shibani's front-and-center spot showed how Syrian authorities' efforts to shed their extremist image are paying off in the European Union.
But the total amount generated was significantly less than last year's edition of the conference, which drew some 7.5 billion.
Kathryn Achilles of the Norwegian Refugee Council called the pledges a "demonstration of global solidarity for the Syrian people" which must "be a starting point for continued support."
In line with recent US aid cuts, Washington signaled little appetite to boost its support.