Does Putin Want to End the War in Ukraine?

Such statements have been met with skepticism. Putin is said to be "optimistic" about the war, given Russian momentum on the battlefield, and he recently appointed an economist as defense minister, suggesting, many argue, that he is prepared for a long war of attrition.
Yet there are solid grounds for questioning those assumptions. Placing an economist at the head of the defense ministry may be a sign that the wartime economy is in danger of overheating, facing the challenge of providing for both "guns and butter." The huge increases in military spending led to record-low levels of unemployment, but at the cost of potentially destabilizing inflation.
Low unemployment entails a manpower shortage, with Russia suffering similar constraints to Ukraine despite a larger population. Kremlin-connected figures highlighted that any drastic new advances would necessitate a nationwide mobilization, a measure Putin seemingly wants to avoid.
Read at The Nation