You May Be Horrified When You Learn What Chewing Gum Is Actually Made From

Research indicates that modern chewing gums are made with oil-based synthetic rubbers, similar to those used in car tires. Microplastics expert David Jones revealed that manufacturers like Wrigley do not disclose their ingredients clearly, opting for vague terms like 'gum base.' Analysis shows gums may contain harmful chemicals like styrene-butadiene and polyethylene. With an estimated yearly production of up to 1.74 trillion pieces, which amounts to millions of tons of synthetic materials, the environmental impact of chewing gum is concerning, especially as much of it ends up as waste on streets and in ecosystems.
The people I talk to are always surprised, and disgusted, when they find out they've been chewing on a lump of malleable plastic.
Most manufacturers just don't advertise what gum is actually made of - they dodge around the detail by listing 'gum base' in the ingredients.
A 2014 chemical analysis revealed that sticks of chewing gum can contain everything from styrene-butadiene to polyethylene and polyvinyl acetate.
Up to 1.74 trillion pieces of gum get made per year, with nearly a third being synthetic gum base, raising serious environmental concerns.
Read at Futurism