What are carbon credits and what do they mean for the Global South?

The world has more than 190 countries, but only one atmosphere and less than a decade to implement joint solutions to irreversible changes in the climate. In this context, carbon markets and emissions compensation have become one of the burning issues at the United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP28), which is being held in Dubai until December 12.
What are carbon credits and how do they offset emissions? Carbon markets are a strategy to confront climate change based on a simple economic principle: putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions incentivizes emitters to reduce them. In these markets, emissions rights known as carbon credits are traded each credit represents one ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of another greenhouse gas, such as methane emanating from livestock and landfills. The idea is that companies, institutions, and individuals can offset their emissions by investing in initiatives that absorb the same amount of CO in other parts of the planet, since the atmosphere is the same everywhere.
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