The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has historically focused on controlling nature through invasive engineering practices. However, with the advent of the Engineering with Nature (EWN) initiative in 2010, there is a notable cultural shift towards ecosystem restoration. Key figures, like geomorphologist Julie Beagle, advocate for this change, which involves reconnecting rivers to floodplains and using dredged sediment to restore marshes. This initiative, although limited, signals a broader commitment to environmental stewardship among engineers, such as in projects aimed at improving flood protection while enhancing community resilience and habitat restoration.
Controlling nature by bulldozing dirt and pouring concrete has long been the guiding vision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. For 250 years that ethos inspired both awe and disgust.
Julie Beagle, a geomorphologist who aims to repair ecosystems devastated by gray infrastructure, describes the Corps as the enemy while highlighting their ambitious Engineering with Nature initiative.
Graeme Sullivan, who leads EWN efforts, emphasizes that the Corps is indeed changing its approach, focusing on reusing materials and improving ecosystem health.
The initiative is still small with only seven programs nationwide, yet it demonstrates an evolving understanding of engineering's role in environmental stewardship.
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