The company plans to provide householders with feedback on their waste sorting to improve recycling practices. After a successful trial in Dublin, where contamination rates dropped significantly, Conor Walsh from the Irish Waste Management Association highlighted that while many people in Ireland are making efforts to recycle, there is still a gap to meet EU requirements. The new system will monitor both recycling and general waste bins, aiming to offer guidance rather than enforce penalties. Householders may incur higher charges for repeated mistakes, but the focus will remain on support and education rather than enforcement.
The vast majority of people in Ireland make a really good effort at recycling and this is all about providing feedback and guidance, said Conor Walsh of the Irish Waste Management Association.
We can see enough to give advice. An EPA study in 2022 said 74pc of what is in a general waste bin is actually recycling but put somewhere else.
When we lift the bin, we know whose bin it is, highlighting our advanced system with chips in bins and weighing trucks, noted Mr. Walsh.
We are the only country that can do this, as we are very advanced with having chips in every bin and having a weighing system in the back of trucks.