Letters: A carbon fee could help us make real headway on averting the worst effects of climate change

The grim news is that the U.S. is warming faster than other countries. Americans have already felt the impacts of climate change during periods of extreme heat, drought, wildfires and flooding from heavy rains. These events and conditions rattle our sense of security, affect our health, and damage our property and the environment.
The good news is that there is another powerful tool available to accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, which has been reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, has the potential to meet the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This legislation would charge fossil fuel companies a fee for the carbon pollution they put into our air. The money collected would be distributed to American households in the form of a monthly cash-back payment to spend as they wish. The monthly payments would be enough to cover the increased costs to 85% of households. Along with reforms to our nation's energy permitting process, this legislation would ensure that America hits its climate targets.
Read at Chicago Tribune