Players share tales of historic Man Utd season

Former Manchester United midfielder David Beckham had no choice but to work hard and stop people from saying negative things about him after the 1998 World Cup, where he became a scapegoat for England's failure.
The documentary '99' narrates the story of Manchester United's successful season, highlighting contributions from legends like Sir Alex Ferguson, Peter Schmeichel, and Beckham. The film reveals the challenges faced on the path to glory, with Beckham mentioning the numerous difficult moments during that season.
Former chairman Martin Edwards shares concerns about Ferguson's involvement in outside interests like horse racing, fearing it affected the team's performance. He noted doubts creeping in after Arsenal's victories and Ferguson temporarily offering his resignation at the campaign's start.
United's dominance under Ferguson faced challenges, with doubts arising after being deposed by Arsene Wenger's Arsenal in 1997-98. The documentary sheds light on key moments like major dressing room conflicts and Ferguson's reactions during critical games.
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