Teachers Are Sharing The Most Elaborate Cheating Schemes They've Ever Seen

For my midterms and finals, I'd give each student a 3x5 notecard, which they could use on one side to write anything they wanted. In the real world, anyone can look up things like equations, so I figured it was fair. After all, I wanted to make sure they knew the operations. Incidentally, every year, the vast majority of students would say, 'After I copied all the notes on the card, I could remember them and didn't even need it!' Until one year a student came in with his card having the tiniest handwriting I ever saw. I couldn't read it. Turns out he was wearing both contacts AND his glasses, giving a major magnification effect....or so he told me years later.
The latest was 11 students, with the help of a private tutor, installed Key Loggers onto various teachers' computers. Through this, they were able to get test information and change grades. They were eventually all caught and expelled. The kicker is that the parents of some of these teens didn't like how being expelled would hurt their precious snowflakes' chances at better colleges, so they sued the school district.
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