I've been teaching in Florida for 16 years. A lot of my students have been from immigrant families. They are one of my biggest priorities; I love my immigrant students and families. My heart is hurting for them and the possibility of them being deported or separated if one of their parents is deported. I teach third grade, so I don't know if they are fully aware of what is happening with the election and how it affects them. I'm also terrified of Trump's promise to defund schools that teach CRT [critical race theory]. The problem is that they could decide teaching slavery, segregation, and civil rights is CRT. It's basic history and cause and effect. I always try to get students to connect what we're learning to their real lives; that's an essential teaching practice. If having discussions about race, history, and their current lives is considered CRT, then schools will definitely lose funding.
As an elementary school substitute, here's what I've seen (from grades 4-6, the little ones don't understand yet, obviously): the boys are excited. The girls are terrified.
I became a teacher because I wanted to help kids become successful. I wanted to help raise them up to be functioning members of society. I'm terrified that all public schools are going to go the way of Florida: no libraries and 'success centers' that are basically preparing kids for prison. Forget disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline - we're just going to have kids who aren't rich/smart/athletic/white enough to get accepted on vouchers and other 'school choice' programs grow up in the prison system!