Schools providing fourth emergency service' feeding families in need study

The spread of charitable food aid work led one head teacher to claim schools are now, Literally the fourth emergency service, with another support worker saying, We're seen as the universal service because other services aren't there anymore.
Lead author Dr William Baker, from the University of Bristol, said: After years of austerity and cutbacks, rocketing food prices means millions of parents can't afford to feed their kids or heat their homes. Schools see the consequences of this every day, and many are responding by providing food to families through their own food banks and pantries. The project started locally but soon became national when it became clear these issues were widespread. It clearly shows how food support systems within schools are now well-organised and entrenched. Given the current situation, initiatives like food banks in schools are likely here to stay.
Most schools reported supporting 15 or more families, on average, with some schools supporting up to 40 families.
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