It's Not College Students Who Need to Grow Up. It's Everyone Else.

In the chaos of the past few weeks, as adults across so many disciplines have reacted to student protesters with suspensions, zip ties, violent police raids, arrests and worse, it seems everyone has forgotten something very elemental about university students: They are raw idealists...
College kids-they protest. A lot. Like, usually around every big election cycle, but about all kinds of issues, big and small. And guess what? They should!
Their methods are not perfect, by any means. Student protesters are messy, petty, and prone to fads-like all of us...This is where they are. This is, quite frankly, where they should be in this moment, as they are opening their eyes to what that world actually contains.
WE are the adults, not them. And unfortunately, as campuses around the country continue to explode-as over 2,000 campus demonstrators have been arrested, some incredibly violently-we are proving again and again that we are not up to the task...
Read at Slate Magazine