I'm a college professor who's been subbing in elementary schools. The pay isn't great, but public schools need teachers.

Subbing is not without its challenges. It's heartbreaking to watch a child struggle and know that he or she is being underserved. That's not a knock on teachers, but it can happen when schools are understaffed or parents are disengaged.
Students toss a foam ball around the class, and someone has to catch it. No talking allowed. This sounded like a bad idea to me; it was a small space with too many tweens. But I decided to lean in and play with them.
Sometimes, I'm the one who goofs. I've called students by the wrong name and used incorrect pronouns. But I always apologize, and we move forward.
It helped to know that my presence there helped them all connect, reminding me that subbing is worth it. It's what our public schools need right now, and I'm happy to help.
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