Touro University faced significant internal backlash after an adjunct professor, Menachem Kiwak, was inadvertently listed to teach a course despite being arrested for sexual abuse, which they attributed to a "clerical error." This incident raised questions about institutional integrity and transparency.
After The Post's investigation revealed Menachem Kiwak's upcoming course, Touro University hastily acknowledged the allegations of sexual assault against him, asserting he no longer held any teaching responsibilities at the institution. This prompted outrage from faculty regarding the handling of the situation.
The counseling professor who was hired to replace Kiwak resigned abruptly upon discovering his situation via media reports, emphasizing concerns about the transparency and integrity of Touro University in its communications regarding Kiwak’s situation.
Some faculty speculated that Touro University's delay in addressing Kiwak's ongoing employment was influenced by familial connections within the institution, highlighting a perceived conflict of interest stemming from Kiwak's family ties with administration.