In his memoir "Source Code: My Beginnings," Bill Gates shares insights from his childhood and educational experiences that shaped his future. He recalls a consistent theme of disinterest and rebellion during his schooling, highlighted by feedback from preschool teachers noting his lack of concern for school activities. Gates identifies patterns in his behavior, describing himself as a 'hyperkinetic, brainy, often contrarian' student. His early struggles with authority and formal learning set the stage for his later decision to drop out of Harvard to launch Microsoft, a choice he stands by.
"At the end of my first year, the director of the school wrote: 'His mother had prepared us for him for she seemed to feel that he was a great contrast to his sister.'"
"What educators and my parents noted at an early age were hints of what would come. I channeled the same intensity that drew me into solving the puzzle of Gami's card skill into anything that interested me - and nothing that didn't."