It's extremely concerning that despite now having a 'zero tolerance' handheld phone law in place, an increasing number of young drivers appear to be using their phones to call, text, voice note or even video chat while operating a vehicle. We suspect a major reason for this is drivers not believing they are likely to be caught. But, hopefully, growing use of AI cameras which allow police to detect drivers breaking the law will get the message across that offenders will be caught.
More than two out of five (43%) young drivers admitted to listening to a voice note without a hands-free kit, 40% said they have made or received a video call, 30% said they have used a phone to take a photo or record a video, and 12% said they have played a game on a mobile. More than three-quarters (77%) of drivers polled said they would like to see the widespread introduction of cameras designed to detect illegal phone use at the wheel.