The DESTE Foundation's exhibition and catalogue, Dream Machines, highlight the role of technology in the artistic process, utilizing Jakob Mohr's 1910 artwork as a focal point. Mohr's vision of an Influencing Machine illustrates a unique intersection of creativity, perception, and mental illness. The exhibition features diverse pieces from historical and contemporary artists, including Duchamp and Lee Bul, demonstrating how technology has historically influenced art. The name Dream Machine references Brion Gysin's stroboscopic device aimed at inducing altered states of consciousness, emphasizing the blend of science, art, and mysticism in artistic expression.
Mohr's drawing is not just one of the earliest artistic expressions of a clinically diagnosed schizophrenic experience, but also a metaphor for both making and viewing art.
Gysin's integration of science, mysticism, and art made a lasting impression: William Burroughs hailed the work as a means to "storm the citadels of enlightenment".