The Times Newsroom Goes to the Democratic National Convention

There's a ton of excitement for this convention. In 2020, Democrats had a virtual convention... Now we're returning to a more standard convention, but it’s unique because the ticket was just picked in the past month. There’s a lot of Democrats who are very anxious about this race... There’s this unbelievable sense of enthusiasm in the party. There’s a level of energy that I think many of us who have covered politics for a while haven't seen since, on the Democratic side, Obama ran in 2008.
Normally you start planning for a convention several weeks out. This year that was really hard to do because of the fast pace of the changes in leadership. But our team has pulled together insights and has established responsive strategies that will allow for real-time coverage, capturing the evolving dynamics as they unfold at the convention. We are looking forward to how voters will react to the atmosphere and the messages delivered by the party.
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