I lowered my electric bill by changing these 5 TV settings. Here's why they work

Modern televisions are significantly more energy-efficient compared to those from a decade ago. The average annual energy cost of older TVs stands at $54, while newer LED and OLED TVs average around $32. Consumers can use EnergyGuide labels and ENERGY STAR ratings to assess TV efficiency, with A ratings being rare. Adjusting settings like brightness can further reduce power usage, resulting in savings for consumers over time despite potentially higher upfront costs for energy-efficient models.
According to Perch Energy, the average power consumption of an old TV runs around $54 per year in energy costs; newer models cost about $32 annually.
Start with the most fundamental source of information: the EnergyGuide label and the ENERGY STAR rating, each TV will display these labels, showing energy efficiency.
New TVs certified by ENERGY STAR must have comparable features and be 25% more energy-efficient than competitors, quickly recovering the price difference through energy savings.
Adjusting TV settings, like lowering brightness, can significantly reduce power consumption and save money on electricity bills.
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