Eddie Van Halen Changed Rock History. Now His Brother Is Telling Their Story.

"During a video call one morning in September from his home in the Los Angeles area, he cited an old saying: 'In the effort lies the reward.' He was dressed casually in a blue button-down check shirt underneath a leather jacket, sunglasses on and dark hair brushed back. Alex emphasized how the journey of Van Halen was about the experience itself, saying, 'The ride was the reward. And it's been a hell of a ride.'"},{
"Alex characterized the project of writing 'Brothers,' a memoir chronicling his life with Eddie, as a painful experience. He explained, 'You've got to go through the pain to get to the other part.' This sentiment underscores the deep emotional connection he had not just with his brother, but also with the tumultuous history of Van Halen and the impact of loss on his life."},{
"I would call him every day, the first thing I’d do is call him. We would talk, we would yell and scream at each other. But we were always supportive.' This illustrates not just their close bond as siblings, but also their dynamic as creative partners who navigated the complexities of fame and personal relationships throughout their careers."}],
"Alex was a commanding presence onstage, especially in Van Halen's early years... but he was always more reserved with the press. He ceded the role of mouthpiece to the band's exhibitionist singer, David."
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