Don't leave rambling messages: Debrett's issues rules on modern mobile etiquette

If you do make a call that is unanswered, send a brief, explanatory text. Many phone-users find voicemails and voice notes onerous (though of course, this is a matter of taste), but in general the insistence these days is on pithy, economical communications, and rambling voices messages, which are often only semi-audible and frequently incoherent, can cause a great deal of confusion.
Other suggestions address the stress that may arise from making and receiving phone calls. The guide suggests texting before ringing to minimise intrusion and not to expect unannounced social calls to be answered, warning that people often fear unexpected calls may yield bad news. They also caution that repeatedly hitting the redial button may raise your recipient's blood pressure and that it is an unjustified intrusion. In the event that you do get through, Debrett's advises concentrating on the call and not to try multitasking at the same time. This can be very alienating for the recipient.
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