Curious singles and tech sceptics - what 'computer dating' looked like in 1966 | Aeon Videos

Over the past twenty years, online dating has emerged as the primary method for couples to meet, reflecting a significant cultural shift in romantic pursuits. However, the quest for love through technology isn't new; a 1966 BBC video illustrates the early days of computer dating with an event in Manhattan attended by 2,000 singles. This historical glimpse highlights enduring themes in matchmaking—vague psychological assessments, flawed matches, community skepticism, and instances of genuine connection, echoing the dynamics present in modern dating applications today.
The 1966 video from BBC's Tomorrow's World reveals how the quest for romance through technology has been ongoing since computers emerged, showcasing early dating's similarities to modern apps.
Footage from a Manhattan event organized by an early computer dating service highlights key elements like psychological questionnaires and imperfect matches that persist in today's online dating scene.
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