Wyna Liu has transformed the New York Times puzzle game Connections into a cultural phenomenon by introducing playful yet challenging categories. Unlike other games, Connections resonates with players because it invites creativity and personal stories, such as the humorous inclusion of her pit-bull mix in the puzzle's design. Liu's identity and humor shine through in her work, pushing boundaries that engage and sometimes frustrate players. This article explores her innovative approach to game design and the community's enthusiastic responses.
Those examples are all in good fun. The true fire underneath Connections, though, is stoked by the more dastardly categories, pushing players to their limits.
Exasperated open letters to Liu - which usually take the form of diatribes or pleas for mercy - have become something of an art form.
Connections has differentiated itself from the likes of the Mini crossword and Spelling Bee for one simple reason: it gets people fired up.
Literally no other puzzlemaker on the planet would have devised that one, as the starting grid is arranged in such a way that it references Liu's own life.