Building the Foundation: The Benefits of Early Software Engineering Education | HackerNoon

For motivated independent study students, learning software engineering concepts such as version control and continuous integration will benefit them in their future studies. As demonstrated here, this content is accessible to students even at an early point in their computer science education.
A special honors project or a supplemental one-credit-hour tools and techniques course taken as a corequisite to the traditional introduction to programming track could be a next step to further develop, scale, and generalize the material and unique format devised and embarked upon for this project.
We would like to acknowledge Loren Schwiebert at Wayne State University for his assistance, feedback, and advice throughout the development and implementation of this project.
We would also like to acknowledge the JETSCAPE Collaboration [1] and GOMC [2] for providing the source repositories and applications on which our automated tests were developed.
Read at Hackernoon