A Fan Discovers a New Story by Bram Stoker, the Author of Dracula'

Brian Cleary's discovery of Bram Stoker's unpublished short story 'Gibbet Hill' highlights the serendipity inherent in archival research, revealing hidden literary treasures.
I was just gobsmacked, said Cleary, who works as the chief pharmacist at the Rotunda maternity hospital and has long been fascinated by Stoker. I went and checked all the bibliographies, and it was nowhere.
Audrey Whitty, the director of the national library, noted that while it isn't unusual for something unexpected to turn up in the library's archives, Cleary's discovery stands out for the way he made it.
Cleary first saw a reference to Gibbet Hill in a copy of the Dublin Daily Express published on New Year's Day, 1891, leading him to uncover its hidden details.
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