35 Hidden Features Of Everyday Items That Most People Don't Know About

Most prescription bottles with childproof lids have a second pair of threads, so you can flip the lid over and it will screw on normally without the annoying childproof feature.
Just found out that most banks in the US (as long as you're a member) will notarize things for FREE. I've been paying for that service all my life.
Oven doors come off so they can be cleaned properly. But be very gentle! The glass shatters very easily if you are not careful.
There's an 'Ultra dark mode' on iPhone. I don't endorse anyone using their phone in a movie theater, but this way is infinitely more discreet.
Many whiteboard erasers (rectangular ones) have layers. When the bottom is matted and useless, just peel a layer off and it's brand new.
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