KubeCon NA 2023: Kubernetes Storage Platform to Run Real-Time Analytic Databases

"Kubernetes storage platform provides a portable and flexible foundation for data management to help the developers when they build their own data solutions."
"He talked about how they mapped the database to Kubernetes platform by writing an operator ( Altinity ClickHouse Operator). The ClickHouse Server runs as a Docker image and the database components are represented in K8s resources using StatefulSets which provide a nice abstraction for services. The data is stored in a AWS EBS Storage server."
"Database replicas were asymmetric with different Availabilty Zones (AZ), dfferent resources, and different software versions as well as diverse data access requirements (R/W vs. R/O). They used a stateful set per database server to map resources with StatefulSet fronting the Pod and the Persistent Volume (PV). The team created different podTemplate values to divide pods by zone and a common volumeClaimTemplate to ensure all pods have the same storage spec. They can map servers precisely to VMs and storage."
Read at InfoQ