Getting Started with Cilium Service Mesh on Amazon EKS | Amazon Web Services

Cilium leverages eBPF to enable dynamic insertion of security, visibility, and networking logic into the Linux kernel for high-performance networking, load balancing, encryption, and observability.
Cilium, donated to CNCF by Isovalent, became the first project to graduate in the cloud native networking category, signifying stability and successful production use.
Amazon EKS, certified Kubernetes-conformant by CNCF, offers Amazon EKS Anywhere with Cilium as the default container networking solution for seamless deployment and management.
Organizations benefit from Cilium Service Mesh on Amazon EKS by enhancing network security, improving observability, and streamlining service connectivity across Kubernetes clusters.
Cilium's integration with Amazon EKS supports secure microservices communication, advanced traffic management, and comprehensive monitoring and troubleshooting of network issues.
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