Vulcan - Beyond the three-metre threshold

The project is built around several quotes from volcanologists, one of which is from Haroun Tazieff describing the precise distance he had to maintain from a volcano: At six metres, you feel nothing. At two metres, you burn. So I stand at three metres and place my camera. Mesmerised by this statement, Théo was interested in the idea that beyond this three-metre barrier, we lack imagery. It inspired him to create an artistic vision of what lies beyond this threshold-what happens within the volcano itself.
I deeply resonated with their relationship with natural elements and their awe for these geological giants that made them feel small and insignificant. By capturing the interaction between humans and these colossal forces, Théo sought to evoke similar feelings of wonder and respect in viewers, inviting them to experience, even virtually, the grandeur of nature.
The heat lamp matrix was conceived, designed, and built by Théo. It consists of nine 150W heat lamps typical of the environment near a volcano, providing haptic feedback that enhances the realism of the immersive experience and allows the audience to engage not just visually but physically with the installations.
Read at CreativeApplications.Net