This show looks at 60 years of artists hellbent on the impossible: creating sculptures that ooze and bulge and throb and breathe. It's all bodily and undulating, implying movement and growth and change and guts. It's just about ooze, about seeping and twisting and morphing, about form and structure.
The guts of society are hidden away, but Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky has spent his long career eviscerating them and putting them on display. He photographs salt marshes carving up the Spanish coastline, gold mines spilling cyanide into the Johannesburg's groundwater, circular crops sucking Saudi Arabia's aquifers dry, diamond mines leaking toxic waste into the hills of South Africa. It would make for grim viewing if it wasn't all so beautiful.
Sedira's immersive love letter to militant cinema is a celebration of the death of col...