The Really Good Home Decor Stuff At Target Right Now (Including Stools I'm Considering For The River House) - Emily Henderson

Y'all that green pillow is the perfect punch of "I'm on trend" while also being soft and cute. 10/10. The chair is a great scale - larger than a lot of affordable chairs you usually find for this price point.
I've entered my acrylic cup era because now that we have a pool (mini or not, you can't have glass near it) and these are SO GOOD. They look like glass, but are not ... colorful acrylic/lucite glasses look better longer.
Two really good cabinets that have so much design detail that there is no way that these could be as affordable as they are. Mixed materials always say more work went into a design ... These are awesome.
The rounded swivel chair looks definitely like it could be sold at CB2 for $800, but it's not. That's a great green pouf - they are really nailing these colors and fabrics.
Read at Emily Henderson