Juxtapoz Magazine - Koti: A Solo Exhibition by Martin Wittfooth @ Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen

"Koti [...] is the Finnish word for 'Home' and is catalytic to a few layers of the new series' origins and meanings. The new body of work takes a wide look at our collective condition - of our shared 'home' - and the precarious and uncertain state of neglect and disorder we find in the current era."
"Wittfooth creates a visual world that highlights nature's fragility. His works open a door for us to contemplate what 'home' means and how we relate to it."
"Beneath the surface of these images, a critical commentary emerges, with his works acting as a visual testament to humanity's imbalance in relation to nature."
"In Wittfooth's paintings, animals take center stage as powerful agents within an otherwise uncertain human-made narrative, drawing attention to our responsibilities towards the Earth."
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