For A Better Iced Latte, Pour Your Milk First - Tasting Table

By adding a denser, colder ingredient like milk or plant-based milk first, you're also layering your iced latte effectively so the ingredients don't separate.
It is also fine to mix your milk and coffee before you add ice to the glass. This way, you give the espresso time to adjust to the drop in temperature without shocking it immediately with ice.
As long as the espresso does not come into contact with ice first when you're making your iced lattes at home, your drink will taste cafe-worthy.
For a nutty spin, take a stab at our DIY deluxe pistachio latte recipe and turn it into an iced drink. Follow the recipe but, for the iced version, add ice to a glass, then milk, espresso, and finally our beautifully verdant pistachio cream and a crown of chopped pistachios.
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