bacterial brickbats knit textile collection sets bacterial cellulose as artifact and co-designer

"The project negotiates human/non-human liaisons by proposing a study where sharing agency between designer and bacterial cellulose produces a material library illustrating differing needs, creative or biological, resulting in a rich expressive range and dimensionality."
"Bacterial Brickbats explores reassembly as a subsidiary property of BC's natural growth and self-assembling potential through a comprehensive material library, acknowledging its organic intelligence as capable of designerly agency."
"From human perspectives, these textiles probe for color, texture, and form studies exploring the optics of textile translation into artifact, emphasizing transparency and light interaction as unique properties to BC-based composites."
"Designing toward regenerative economies transcends the purely technical, inviting a rethinking of design's role in facilitating multi-species relationships and ecological consciousness."
Read at designboom | architecture & design magazine